Women in Open Source & Presto – Getting started in the Presto open source ecosystem

Women in Open Source & Presto – Getting started in the Presto open source ecosystem

Women in Open Source & Presto – Getting Started in the Presto Open Source Ecosystem – Neha Pawar, Startree; Rebecca Schlussel, Meta; RongRong Zhong, Celonis & Moderated By Dipti Borkar, Microsoft Among GitHub users with at least ten contributions, a mere 6% were women. This is way less than the ratio of women in tech that various research shows at 26%. Given the amount of investment going into and the growth / success of companies based on open source as well as the enormous demand for developers in open source, it is a ratio we need to strive to improve for women. In this panel, we will discuss a few areas: – The journey of each panelist into open source projects – The benefits they have seen by participating in open source projects particularly Presto – The challenges women face in male-dominated open source communities – Ideas, suggestions and guidance to budding engineers on getting started with open source including Presto.