Building Large-scale Query Operators and Window Functions for Prestissimo using Velox – Aditi Pandit

Building Large-scale Query Operators and Window Functions for Prestissimo using Velox – Aditi Pandit

In this talk, Aditi Pandit, Principal Software Engineer at Ahana and Presto/Velox contributor, will throw the covers back on some of the most interesting portions of working in Prestissimo and Velox. The talk will be based on the experience of implementing the windowing functions in Velox. It will cover the nitty gritty on the vectorized operator, memory management and spilling. This talk is perfect for anyone who is using Presto in production and wants to understand more about the internals, or someone who is new to Presto and is looking for a deep technical understanding of the architecture.

Presto SQL Functions – Facebook

Presto SQL Functions – Facebook

In this talk we will show how to use the recently introduced SQL function feature, how it works, and the ongoing work to support invoking arbitrary functions remotely with remote UDF server.

Dynamic UDF Framework and its Applications – Rongrong Zhong, Alluxio & Yanbing Zhang, Bytedance

Dynamic UDF Framework and its Applications – Rongrong Zhong, Alluxio & Yanbing Zhang, Bytedance

Presto supports dynamically registered User Defined Functions (UDFs) since 2020. Over the years, we used this framework to add support for SQL UDFs and remote / external UDFs. One common community request in the UDF domain is to support Hive UDFs. Many companies have legacy Hive pipelines, and engineers who are familiar with HQL and Hive UDFs. With remote UDF, one can implement Hive UDF support as UDFs running on the remote cluster. But since HiveUDFs are written in Java, we can also run them inside the engine. We extended the dynamic UDF framework to support Java UDFs, and used this new extension to add HiveUDF support in Presto. With this feature, users can directly use their familiar HiveUDFs and UDAFs in their Presto query.

(Chinese) Presto at Bytedance – Hive UDF Wrapper for Presto

(Chinese) Presto at Bytedance – Hive UDF Wrapper for Presto

Presto has been widely used at Bytedance in several ways such as in the data warehouse, BI tools, ads etc. And, the Presto team at Bytedance has also delivered many key features and optimizations such as the Hive UDF wrapper, coordinator, runtime filter and so on which extend Presto usages and enhance Presto stabilities. Nowadays, most companies will use both Hive (or Spark) and Presto together. But Presto UDFs have very different syntax and internal mechanisms compared with Hive UDFs. This restricts Presto usage while users need to maintain 2 kinds of functions. In this talk, we will present a way to execute Hive UDF/UDAF inside Presto.