Building Large-scale Query Operators and Window Functions for Prestissimo using Velox – Aditi Pandit

Building Large-scale Query Operators and Window Functions for Prestissimo using Velox – Aditi Pandit

In this talk, Aditi Pandit, Principal Software Engineer at Ahana and Presto/Velox contributor, will throw the covers back on some of the most interesting portions of working in Prestissimo and Velox. The talk will be based on the experience of implementing the windowing functions in Velox. It will cover the nitty gritty on the vectorized operator, memory management and spilling. This talk is perfect for anyone who is using Presto in production and wants to understand more about the internals, or someone who is new to Presto and is looking for a deep technical understanding of the architecture.

The Future of Presto’s Query Optimizer – Bill McKenna, Ahana

The Future of Presto’s Query Optimizer – Bill McKenna, Ahana

In this talk, you will hear from the query optimizer OG himself, Bill McKenna (Principal software engineer at Ahana, Architect for the query optimizer that became the code base of the Amazon Redshift query optimizer, and co-author of The Volcano Optimizer Generator: Extensibility and Efficient Search) go into detail about the state of modern query optimizers, and how Presto stacks up against them and where it will go in the near future. If database theory is your jam, you won’t want to miss this deeply technical presentation from one of the pioneers in the field.