Customer-Facing Presto at Rippling – Andy Li, Rippling

Customer-Facing Presto at Rippling – Andy Li, Rippling

Presto is used for a variety of cases, but tends to be used for larger scale analytical queries. We have been transitioning to using Presto to power our data platform and customer-facing scripting language, RQL (Rippling Query Language) to run arbitrary customer queries to power core products. Presto helps enable diverse, federated querying at scale. In this talk, Andy will cover where Presto sits in Rippling’s ecosystem as a core query layer, our collaboration and contributions for closer integration with Apache Pinot, and learnings on using Presto to handle a large variety of query patterns.

(Chinese) Presto at Bytedance – Hive UDF Wrapper for Presto

(Chinese) Presto at Bytedance – Hive UDF Wrapper for Presto

Presto has been widely used at Bytedance in several ways such as in the data warehouse, BI tools, ads etc. And, the Presto team at Bytedance has also delivered many key features and optimizations such as the Hive UDF wrapper, coordinator, runtime filter and so on which extend Presto usages and enhance Presto stabilities. Nowadays, most companies will use both Hive (or Spark) and Presto together. But Presto UDFs have very different syntax and internal mechanisms compared with Hive UDFs. This restricts Presto usage while users need to maintain 2 kinds of functions. In this talk, we will present a way to execute Hive UDF/UDAF inside Presto.