Shared Foundations Of Composable Data Systems – Biswapesh Chattopadhyay, Google

Shared Foundations Of Composable Data Systems – Biswapesh Chattopadhyay, Google

Data processing systems have evolved significantly over the last decade, driven by various factors such as the advent of cloud computing, increasingly complexity of applications such as ML, HTAP, Streaming, Observability and Graph processing. However, historically, these frameworks have evolved independently, leading to significant fragmentation of the stack. In this talk, I will talk about how this has evolved in the open source and at Meta, and how we are solving this problem through the Shared Foundations effort, leading to composable systems. This has resulted in significantly better performance, more features, higher engineering velocity and a more consistent user experience.

Common Sub Expression Optimization at Facebook

Common Sub Expression Optimization at Facebook

In complex analytics queries, we often see repeated expressions, for example parsing the same JSON column but extracting different fields, elaborate CASE statement with common predicates and different ones. Previously, Presto will compute the same expression many times as they appear in query. With common sub expression optimization, we would only evaluate the same expression once within the same project operator or filter operator. In our workload, we’ve seen 3x improvements on certain queries with expensive common sub expressions like JSON_PARSE. Microbenchmark also shows a consistent ~10% performance improvement for simple common sub-expressions like x + y. In this talk, we will talk about how this is implemented.

Using Presto’s BigQuery Connector for Better Performance and Ad-hoc Query connector for better performance and ad-hoc query in the Cloud – George Wang & Roderick Yao

Using Presto’s BigQuery Connector for Better Performance and Ad-hoc Query connector for better performance and ad-hoc query in the Cloud – George Wang & Roderick Yao

The Google BigQuery connector gives users the ability to query tables in the BigQuery service, Google Cloud’s fully managed data warehouse. In this presentation, we’ll discuss the BigQuery Connector plugin for Presto which uses the BigQuery Storage API to stream data in parallel, allowing users to query from BigQuery tables via gPRC to achieve a better read performance. We’ll also discuss how the connector enables interactive ad-hoc query to join data across distributed systems for data lake analytics.