Disaggregated Coordinator – Swapnil Tailor, Facebook

Disaggregated Coordinator – Swapnil Tailor, Facebook

In the existing Presto architecture, single coordinator has become a bottleneck in a number of ways for cluster scalability. – With an increasing number of workers, the coordinator has the potential of slow down due to a high number of tasks. – In high QPS use cases, we have found workers can become starved of splits by excessive CPU being spend on task updates in coordinator. – Also with single coordinator, we have an upper limit on the worker pool because of above-mentioned reasons. To overcome with this challenges, we are coming up with a new architecture which supports multiple coordinators in a single cluster.

Level 101 for Presto: What is PrestoDB?

Level 101 for Presto: What is PrestoDB?

In Level 101, you’ll get an overview of Presto, including: A high level overview of Presto & most common use cases The problems it solves and why you should use it A live, hands-on demo on getting Presto running on Docker Real world example: How Twitter uses Presto at scale