Connect to PrestoDB from Anywhere – Jerod Johnson, CData

Connect to PrestoDB from Anywhere – Jerod Johnson, CData

Leveraging the benefits of PrestoDB with 3rd-party BI, reporting, ETL, and custom applications can present unique challenges. The CData Connectivity Solutions allow you to connect, integrate, and automate your PrestoDB data in the tools and applications you already use. In this video, you’ll learn about the different connectivity solutions CData offers and see how to connect to PrestoDB through CData’s technology.

Build & Query Secure S3 Data Lakes with Ahana Cloud and AWS Lake Formation

Build & Query Secure S3 Data Lakes with Ahana Cloud and AWS Lake Formation

AWS Lake Formation is a service that allows data platform users to set up a secure data lake in days. Creating a data lake with Presto and AWS Lake Formation is as simple as defining data sources and what data access and security policies you want to apply. In this talk, Wen will walk through the recently announced AWS Lake Formation and Ahana integration