Build & Query Secure S3 Data Lakes with Ahana Cloud and AWS Lake Formation

Build & Query Secure S3 Data Lakes with Ahana Cloud and AWS Lake Formation

AWS Lake Formation is a service that allows data platform users to set up a secure data lake in days. Creating a data lake with Presto and AWS Lake Formation is as simple as defining data sources and what data access and security policies you want to apply. In this talk, Wen will walk through the recently announced AWS Lake Formation and Ahana integration.

Presto on Spark – Facebook – Virtual Meetup

Presto on Spark – Facebook – Virtual Meetup

At Facebook, we have spent the past several years in independently building and scaling both Presto and Spark to Facebook scale batch workloads. It is now increasingly evident that there is significant value in coupling Presto’s state-of-art low-latency evaluation with Spark’s robust and fault tolerant execution engine. In this talk, we’ll take a deep dive in Presto and Spark architecture with a focus on key differentiators (e.g., disaggregated shuffle) that are required to further scale Presto.

Presto On Spark: Scaling not Failing with Spark – Ariel Weisberg, Meta & Shradha Ambekar, Intuit

Presto On Spark: Scaling not Failing with Spark – Ariel Weisberg, Meta & Shradha Ambekar, Intuit

Presto on Spark is an integration between Presto and Spark that leverages Presto’s compiler/evaluation as a library and Spark’s large scale processing capabilities. It enables a unified SQL experience between interactive and batch use cases. A unified option for batch data processing and ad hoc is very important for creating the experience of queries that scale instead of fail without requiring rewrites between different SQL dialects. In this session, we’ll talk about Presto On Spark architecture, why it matters and its implementation/usage at Intuit.

Authorizing Presto with AWS Lake Formation – Jalpreet Singh Nanda, Ahana & Roy Hasson, Amazon

Authorizing Presto with AWS Lake Formation – Jalpreet Singh Nanda, Ahana & Roy Hasson, Amazon

AWS Lake Formation is a service that allows data platform users to set up a secure data lake in days. Creating a data lake with Presto and Lake Formation is as simple as defining data sources and what data access and security policies you want to apply. At Ahana and Amazon, engineers are working on Presto and Lake Formation integration to support Authorization on Presto. This means that Presto clusters will be enforce data permissions on user queries against Lake Formation backed data lakes, which is a tightly integrated Lake Formation, AWS Glue, and Amazon S3 data lake stack. In this session we will present high level design, our leanings, future plans and demo how data platform users can use Lake Formation integration to support fine-grained data access controls on Presto.