Running PrestoDB on Kubernetes with Ahana Cloud and AWS EKS

Running PrestoDB on Kubernetes with Ahana Cloud and AWS EKS

PrestoDB is built to be cloud agnostic and container-friendly, but getting it to run on Kubernetes in the cloud can be challenging. In this talk, Gary Stafford (AWS) and Dipti Borkar (Ahana) will discuss: Why use the in-VPC deployment model with AWS and demo, etc – Deploying PrestoDB on AWS EKS using the Ahana Cloud managed service within the user’s AWS account.

Introducing Materialized View in Presto – Rohit Jain, Meta

Introducing Materialized View in Presto – Rohit Jain, Meta

The materialized view is a well-known technique in the data world, it is used to increase the performance and efficiency of queries by precomputing and persisting results. We are announcing materialized view support in the PrestoDB in this talk. Please join us to learn more about it.