Running PrestoDB on Kubernetes with Ahana Cloud and AWS EKS

Running PrestoDB on Kubernetes with Ahana Cloud and AWS EKS

PrestoDB is built to be cloud agnostic and container-friendly, but getting it to run on Kubernetes in the cloud can be challenging. In this talk, Gary Stafford (AWS) and Dipti Borkar (Ahana) will discuss: Why use the in-VPC deployment model with AWS and demo, etc – Deploying PrestoDB on AWS EKS using the Ahana Cloud managed service within the user’s AWS account.

Level 101 for Presto: What is PrestoDB?

Level 101 for Presto: What is PrestoDB?

In Level 101, you’ll get an overview of Presto, including: A high level overview of Presto & most common use cases The problems it solves and why you should use it A live, hands-on demo on getting Presto running on Docker Real world example: How Twitter uses Presto at scale