Presto on ARM – Chunxu Tang & Jiaming Mai, Alluxio

Presto on ARM – Chunxu Tang & Jiaming Mai, Alluxio

Traditionally, the deployment of Presto has been limited to Intel processors with the x86 architecture. However, with the growing popularity of ARM architecture, Chunxu and Jiaming have extended the Presto ecosystem to ARM and conducted a series of benchmark experiments. Their objective is to evaluate the performance of Presto on ARM architecture and identify key insights from the experiments. In this presentation, Chunxu and Jiaming will share the results of their performance evaluation and discuss some of the most significant findings from their research.

Presto Connector for DataCTRL – Mario Ceste, Jr., SAP NS2

Presto Connector for DataCTRL – Mario Ceste, Jr., SAP NS2

DataCTRL is a data management platform for ingesting large quantities of disparate data sets. We’ve written a connector for Presto which allows our users to leverage the data they’ve ingested using SQL. Integrating Presto with our platform has given our customers a quick and effective way to query their data while also building additional data products.