Presto Tech Talk: Intro to Presto and Superset

Presto Tech Talk: Intro to Presto and Superset

Presto and Superset are a powerful combination, because it enables analysts to query data from a data lake environment or join data from multiple data sources. In this event, we’ll do an introductory demo on how to query data from S3 using Presto to build a Superset dashboard.

Introducing Materialized View in Presto – Rohit Jain, Meta

Introducing Materialized View in Presto – Rohit Jain, Meta

The materialized view is a well-known technique in the data world, it is used to increase the performance and efficiency of queries by precomputing and persisting results. We are announcing materialized view support in the PrestoDB in this talk. Please join us to learn more about it.

Panel: The Presto Ecosystem

Panel: The Presto Ecosystem

The Presto Ecosystem – Moderated by Dipti Borkar, Ahana; Maxime Beauchemin, Preset; Vinoth Chandar, Apache Hudi; Kishore Gopalakrishna, Apache Pinot & James Sun, Facebook, Inc.