Build & Query Secure S3 Data Lakes with Ahana Cloud and AWS Lake Formation

Build & Query Secure S3 Data Lakes with Ahana Cloud and AWS Lake Formation

AWS Lake Formation is a service that allows data platform users to set up a secure data lake in days. Creating a data lake with Presto and AWS Lake Formation is as simple as defining data sources and what data access and security policies you want to apply. In this talk, Wen will walk through the recently announced AWS Lake Formation and Ahana integration.

Parquet Column Level Access Control with Presto

Parquet Column Level Access Control with Presto

Apache Parquet is the major columnar file storage format used by Apache Presto and several other query engines in many big data analytic frameworks today. In a lot of use cases, a portion of the column data is highly sensitive and must be protected. Column encryption at the file format level is supported in the Parquet community. Due to the rewritten code of Parquet in Presto, Parquet column encryption at Presto needs to be ported with modifications to the Presto code page. And the integration with Key Management Service (KMS) and other query engines like Hive and Spark is another challenge. In this talk, we will show the work we have done for enabling Presto for Parquet column decryption including challenges, solutions, integration with Hive/Spark Parquet column encryption and look forward to the next step of encryption work.

Speed Up Presto Reading with Paquet Column Indexes – Xinli Shang, & Chen Liang, Uber

Speed Up Presto Reading with Paquet Column Indexes – Xinli Shang, & Chen Liang, Uber

Data analytic tables in the big data ecosystem are usually large and some of them can reach petabytes in size. Presto as a fast query engine needs to be intelligent to skip reading unnecessary data based on filters. In addition to the existing filtering to skip partitions, files, and row groups, Apache Parquet Column Index provides further filtering to pages, which is the I/O unit for the Parquet data source. In this presentation, we will show the work that we integrated Parquet Column Index to Presto code base, the performance gains, etc. We will also talk about our effort to open-source this project to PrestoDB and look forward to collaborating with the community to merge!

Authorizing Presto with AWS Lake Formation – Jalpreet Singh Nanda, Ahana & Roy Hasson, Amazon

Authorizing Presto with AWS Lake Formation – Jalpreet Singh Nanda, Ahana & Roy Hasson, Amazon

AWS Lake Formation is a service that allows data platform users to set up a secure data lake in days. Creating a data lake with Presto and Lake Formation is as simple as defining data sources and what data access and security policies you want to apply. At Ahana and Amazon, engineers are working on Presto and Lake Formation integration to support Authorization on Presto. This means that Presto clusters will be enforce data permissions on user queries against Lake Formation backed data lakes, which is a tightly integrated Lake Formation, AWS Glue, and Amazon S3 data lake stack. In this session we will present high level design, our leanings, future plans and demo how data platform users can use Lake Formation integration to support fine-grained data access controls on Presto.