Extending Presto at LinkedIn with a Smart Catalog Layer LinkedIn

Extending Presto at LinkedIn with a Smart Catalog Layer LinkedIn

In this talk, Walaa describes how LinkedIn extended its Presto Hive Catalog with a smart logical abstraction layer that is capable of reasoning about logical views with UDFs by using two core components, Coral and Transport UDFs. Coral is a view virtualization library, powered by Apache Calcite, that represents views using their logical query plans. Walaa shows how LinkedIn leverages Coral abstractions to decouple view expression language from the execution engine, and hence execute non-Presto-SQL views inside Presto, and achieve on-the-fly query rewrite for data governance and query optimization.

Presto on Kafka at Scale – Yang Yang & Yupeng Fu, Uber

Presto on Kafka at Scale – Yang Yang & Yupeng Fu, Uber

Presto is a popular distributed SQL query engine for running interactive analytic queries. Presto provides a Connector API that allows plugins to dozens of data sources, and thus positions itself as a single point of access to a wide variety of data. At Uber, we significantly improved Presto’s Kafka connector to meet Uber’s scale. For example, the new connector allows dynamic Kafka cluster and topic discovery so users can directly query existing Kafka topics without any registration and onboarding process; dynamic schema discovery allows fetching the latest schema without any Presto restart or deployment; smart time range suggestions to users based on Kafka metadata analysis to avoid large-range scans and thus keep the query interactive.