Building Large-scale Query Operators and Window Functions for Prestissimo using Velox – Aditi Pandit

Building Large-scale Query Operators and Window Functions for Prestissimo using Velox – Aditi Pandit

In this talk, Aditi Pandit, Principal Software Engineer at Ahana and Presto/Velox contributor, will throw the covers back on some of the most interesting portions of working in Prestissimo and Velox. The talk will be based on the experience of implementing the windowing functions in Velox. It will cover the nitty gritty on the vectorized operator, memory management and spilling. This talk is perfect for anyone who is using Presto in production and wants to understand more about the internals, or someone who is new to Presto and is looking for a deep technical understanding of the architecture.

Scaling Cache for Presto Iceberg Connector – Beinan Wang, Alluxio & Chunxu Tang

Scaling Cache for Presto Iceberg Connector – Beinan Wang, Alluxio & Chunxu Tang

While using the Presto Iceberg connector, the in-heap cache in Presto is likely overloaded. In this talk, Beinan and Chunxu will share the design, implementation, and optimization of the off-heap cache to address the scalability challenges. You will learn how to cache Iceberg data and metadata for the Presto Iceberg connector, followed by future work on improving table scans using Apache Arrow.

Prestissimo – Presto-on-Velox for Faster More Efficient Queries – Orri Erling, Meta

Prestissimo – Presto-on-Velox for Faster More Efficient Queries – Orri Erling, Meta

We built a drop-in replacement for the Presto worker using C++ and Velox and saw a dramatic improvements in CPU efficiency and latency for interactive queries. We embraced adaptive execution provided by Velox to efficiently evaluate filters pushed down into scan and automatically enable array-based aggregations and joins. We make extensive use of dictionary encodings to achieve zero-copy execution throughout the engine. We allow for vectorization friendly function implementations, provide ASCII-only fast paths and many other tricks. We’d like to share our learnings, early results and future plans. We are looking forward to invite the community to join our efforts in building the next generation of Presto together.

A Tour of Presto Iceberg Connector – Beinan Wang, Alluxio & Chunxu Tang, Twitter

A Tour of Presto Iceberg Connector – Beinan Wang, Alluxio & Chunxu Tang, Twitter

Apache Iceberg is an open table format for huge analytic datasets. The Presto Iceberg connector consolidates the SQL engine and the table format, to empower high-performant data analytics. Here, Beinan and Chunxu would like to discuss and share the architectural design of the Presto Iceberg connector, advanced Iceberg feature support (such as native iceberg connector, row-level deletion, and iceberg v2 support), and the future roadmap.

Presto and Apache Iceberg – Chunxu Tang, Twitter

Presto and Apache Iceberg – Chunxu Tang, Twitter

Apache Iceberg is an open table format for huge analytic datasets. At Twitter, engineers are working on the Presto-Iceberg connector, aiming to bring high-performance data analytics on Iceberg to the Presto ecosystem. Here, Chunxu would like to share what they have learned during the development, hoping to shed light on the future work of interactive queries.