Building a Modern Data Platform with Presto – Denis Krivenko, Platform24

Building a Modern Data Platform with Presto – Denis Krivenko, Platform24

Hadoop era is gone. Cloud computing is today’s reality. But… What if you cannot use public clouds? What if your cloud does not provide data platform capabilities? What if you want your solution to be cloud agnostic? In this case you create your own cloud native data platform on Kubernetes. In the session Denis will talk about reasons for building analytics data platform solution in Platform24, cloud native data platform architecture principles, data stack they use and why Presto plays one of the key roles in it.

Presto Query Analysis for Data Layout Formatting and Query Result Caching – Gurmeet Singh, Uber

Presto Query Analysis for Data Layout Formatting and Query Result Caching – Gurmeet Singh, Uber

In this talk, I will be talking about a microservice that we have built at Uber to be able to analyze Presto queries. The Presto Query Engine does not provide endpoints for query analysis purposes. One has to either execute the query or gather insights from the query explain plan. In this talk, I will talk about 1. The work that we had to do to do the query analysis in a microservice using Presto as a library. 2. Doing predicate analysis on the queries to come up with data formatting recommendations in order to improve query performance. 3. Using the analysis service for query result cache invalidation. The analysis figures out whether the results from a previous run of the query are still valid and can be reused.