Spatial Joins 1: Local Spatial Joins

A common type of spatial query involves relating one table of geometric objects (e.g., a table population_centers with columns population, latitude, longitude) with another such table (e.g., a table counties with columns county_name, boundary_wkt), such as calculating for each county the population sum of all population centers contained within it. These kinds of calculations are…

5 design choices—and 1 weird trick — to get 2x efficiency gains in Presto repartitioning

We like Presto. We like it a lot — so much we want to make it better in every way. Here’s an example: we just optimized the PartitionedOutputOperator. It’s now 2-3x more CPU efficient, which, when measured against Facebook’s production workload, translates to 6% gains overall. That’s huge. The optimized repartitioning is in use on…