Scaling Presto for Data Analytics – Insights from Meta, Uber, and Intuit

At PrestoCon Day 2023, we had a fantastic panel discussion with speakers from Meta, Uber, and Intuit. Each shared their experiences and use cases of scaling Presto in their respective companies. Let’s take a look at the key points discussed by each panelist, including use cases, key metrics, and future plans for Presto. Sign up…

Presto on AWS at Twilio – Lesson Learned and Optimization

Earlier this month we hosted PrestoCon, a fantastic in-person event that showcased the innovation around the Presto project. In this blog we’ll detail Twilio’s presentation on their Presto use case, including their architecture, key optimizations, and lessons learned. You can also check out their full presentation here. In their session, Twilio engineers Aakash Pradeep and…