Simplifying Presto on Kubernetes – Introducing the Presto Helm Chart

Let’s explore how to run Presto on Kubernetes. At PrestoCon Day 2023, Denis Krivenko of Platform24 shared his work on the Presto Helm Chart and why Presto on Kubernetes helps make for an efficient deployment. He also demoed a step-by-step process of deploying Presto on a Kubernetes cluster using the Helm package manager. Sign up…

Spatial Joins 1: Local Spatial Joins

A common type of spatial query involves relating one table of geometric objects (e.g., a table population_centers with columns population, latitude, longitude) with another such table (e.g., a table counties with columns county_name, boundary_wkt), such as calculating for each county the population sum of all population centers contained within it. These kinds of calculations are…