Presto on AWS at Twilio – Lesson Learned and Optimization

Earlier this month we hosted PrestoCon, a fantastic in-person event that showcased the innovation around the Presto project. In this blog we’ll detail Twilio’s presentation on their Presto use case, including their architecture, key optimizations, and lessons learned. You can also check out their full presentation here. In their session, Twilio engineers Aakash Pradeep and…

Presto Parquet Column Encryption

Introduction Apache Parquet modular encryption provides encryption at-rest and in-transit at finer-grained. In big data world, data analytic tables are usually very wide with hundreds of columns, while only a small number of columns need to be protected. So the finer-grained access control is a better fit than coarse-grained one like table level access control….

Data Lake Analytics: Alibaba’s Federated Cloud Strategy

Presto is known to be a high-performance, distributed SQL query engine for Big Data. It offers large-scale data analytics with multiple connectors for accessing various data sources. This capability enables the Presto users to further extend some features to build a large-scale data federation service on cloud. Alibaba Data Lake Analytics embraces Presto’s federated query…