Deploy Presto From a Docker Image#

These steps were developed and tested on Mac OS X, on both Intel and Apple Silicon chips.

Follow these steps to:

  • install the command line tools for brew, docker, and Colima

  • verify your Docker setup

  • pull the Docker image of the Presto server

  • start your local Presto server

Installing brew, Docker, and Colima#

This task shows how to install brew, then to use brew to install Docker and Colima.

Note: If you have Docker installed you can skip steps 1-3, but you should verify your Docker setup by running the command in step 4.

  1. If you do not have brew installed, run the following command:

    /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

  2. To install the Docker command line and Colima tools, run the following command:

    brew install docker colima

  3. Run the following command:

    colima start

    Note: The default VM created by Colima uses 2 CPUs, 2GB memory and 60GB storage. To customize the VM resources, see the Colima README for Customizing the VM.

  4. To verify your local setup, run the following command:

    docker run hello-world

    If you see a response similar to the following, you are ready.

    Hello from Docker! This message shows that your installation appears to be working correctly.

Installing and Running the Presto Docker container#

  1. Download the latest non-edge Presto container from Presto on DockerHub. Run the following command:

    docker pull prestodb/presto:latest

    Downloading the container may take a few minutes. When the download completes, go on to the next step.

  2. On your local system, create a file named containing the following text:

  3. On your local system, create a file named jvm.config containing the following text:

  4. To start the Presto server in the Docker container, run the command:

    docker run -p 8080:8080 -it -v ./ -v ./jvm.config:/opt/presto-server/etc/jvm.config --name presto prestodb/presto:latest

    This command assigns the name presto for the newly-created container that uses the downloaded image prestodb/presto:latest.

    The Presto server logs startup information in the terminal window. Once you see a response similar to the following, the Presto server is running in the Docker container.

    ======== SERVER STARTED ========

Removing the Presto Docker container#

To remove the Presto Docker container, run the following two commands:

docker stop presto

docker rm presto

These commands return the name of the container presto when they succeed.