Task Resource#

The Task resource provides a set of REST endpoints that give Presto servers the ability to communicate about tasks and task output. This isn’t a service that will be used by end users, but it supports the execution of queries on a Presto installation.

GET /v1/task

Returns information about all tasks known to a Presto server.

Note that the output of a call to /v1/task can be quite large. If you execute this against a busy Presto server the response received will include a listing of every task known to that server along with detailed statistics about operators and drivers.

The following example response shows a trivial task response that has been truncated to fit this manual. A real response from a busy Presto server would generate pages and pages of output. Here there is a taskId for a task which is in the CANCELED state.

Example response:

[ {
  "taskId" : "20131222_183944_00011_dk5x2.1.0",
  "version" : 9223372036854775807,
  "state" : "CANCELED",
  "self" : "unknown",
  "lastHeartbeat" : "2013-12-22T13:54:46.566-05:00",
  "outputBuffers" : {
    "state" : "FINISHED",
    "masterSequenceId" : 0,
    "pagesAdded" : 0,
    "buffers" : [ ]
  "noMoreSplits" : [ ],
  "stats" : {
    "createTime" : "2013-12-22T13:54:46.566-05:00",
    "elapsedTime" : "0.00ns",
    "queuedTime" : "92.00us",
    "totalDrivers" : 0,
    "queuedDrivers" : 0,
    "runningDrivers" : 0,
    "completedDrivers" : 0,
    "memoryReservation" : "0B",
    "totalScheduledTime" : "0.00ns",
    "totalCpuTime" : "0.00ns",
    "totalBlockedTime" : "0.00ns",
    "rawInputDataSize" : "0B",
    "rawInputPositions" : 0,
    "processedInputDataSize" : "0B",
    "processedInputPositions" : 0,
    "outputDataSize" : "0B",
    "outputPositions" : 0,
    "pipelines" : [ ]
  "failures" : [ ],
  "outputs" : { }
POST /v1/task/{taskId}
DELETE /v1/task/{taskId}

Deletes a given task from a Presto server.

GET /v1/task/{taskId}

Retrieves information about a specific task by taskId.

The following example lists the output of a task. It contains the following high-level sections:

  • outputBuffers

  • noMoreSplits

  • stats

  • failures

  • outputs

This is the same output that is also present in the response from the Query resource which lists all of the stages and tasks involved in a particular query. This is call is used by Presto to coordinate a queries.

Example response:

  "taskId" : "20140115_170528_00004_dk5x2.0.0",
  "version" : 42,
  "state" : "FINISHED",
  "self" : "",
  "lastHeartbeat" : "2014-01-15T12:12:12.518-05:00",
  "outputBuffers" : {
    "state" : "FINISHED",
    "masterSequenceId" : 0,
    "pagesAdded" : 1,
    "buffers" : [ {
      "bufferId" : "out",
      "finished" : true,
      "bufferedPages" : 0,
      "pagesSent" : 1
    } ]
  "noMoreSplits" : [ "8" ],
  "stats" : {
    "createTime" : "2014-01-15T12:12:08.520-05:00",
    "startTime" : "2014-01-15T12:12:08.526-05:00",
    "endTime" : "2014-01-15T12:12:12.518-05:00",
    "elapsedTime" : "4.00s",
    "queuedTime" : "6.39ms",
    "totalDrivers" : 1,
    "queuedDrivers" : 0,
    "runningDrivers" : 0,
    "completedDrivers" : 1,
    "memoryReservation" : "174.76kB",
    "totalScheduledTime" : "4.19ms",
    "totalCpuTime" : "4.09ms",
    "totalBlockedTime" : "29.50ms",
    "rawInputDataSize" : "10.90kB",
    "rawInputPositions" : 154,
    "processedInputDataSize" : "10.90kB",
    "processedInputPositions" : 154,
    "outputDataSize" : "10.90kB",
    "outputPositions" : 154,
    "pipelines" : [ {
      "inputPipeline" : true,
      "outputPipeline" : true,
      "totalDrivers" : 1,
      "queuedDrivers" : 0,
      "runningDrivers" : 0,
      "completedDrivers" : 1,
      "memoryReservation" : "0B",
      "queuedTime" : {
        "maxError" : 0.0,
        "count" : 1.0,
        "total" : 5857000.0,
        "p01" : 5857000,
        "p05" : 5857000,
        "p10" : 5857000,
        "p25" : 5857000,
        "p50" : 5857000,
        "p75" : 5857000,
        "p90" : 5857000,
        "p95" : 5857000,
        "p99" : 5857000,
        "min" : 5857000,
        "max" : 5857000
      "elapsedTime" : {
        "maxError" : 0.0,
        "count" : 1.0,
        "total" : 4.1812E7,
        "p01" : 41812000,
        "p05" : 41812000,
        "p10" : 41812000,
        "p25" : 41812000,
        "p50" : 41812000,
        "p75" : 41812000,
        "p90" : 41812000,
        "p95" : 41812000,
        "p99" : 41812000,
        "min" : 41812000,
        "max" : 41812000
      "totalScheduledTime" : "4.19ms",
      "totalCpuTime" : "4.09ms",
      "totalBlockedTime" : "29.50ms",
      "rawInputDataSize" : "10.90kB",
      "rawInputPositions" : 154,
      "processedInputDataSize" : "10.90kB",
      "processedInputPositions" : 154,
      "outputDataSize" : "10.90kB",
      "outputPositions" : 154,
      "operatorSummaries" : [ {
        "operatorId" : 0,
        "operatorType" : "ExchangeOperator",
        "addInputCalls" : 0,
        "addInputWall" : "0.00ns",
        "addInputCpu" : "0.00ns",
        "addInputUser" : "0.00ns",
        "inputDataSize" : "10.90kB",
        "inputPositions" : 154,
        "getOutputCalls" : 1,
        "getOutputWall" : "146.00us",
        "getOutputCpu" : "137.90us",
        "getOutputUser" : "0.00ns",
        "outputDataSize" : "10.90kB",
        "outputPositions" : 154,
        "blockedWall" : "29.50ms",
        "finishCalls" : 0,
        "finishWall" : "0.00ns",
        "finishCpu" : "0.00ns",
        "finishUser" : "0.00ns",
        "memoryReservation" : "0B",
        "info" : {
          "bufferedBytes" : 0,
          "averageBytesPerRequest" : 11158,
          "bufferedPages" : 0,
          "pageBufferClientStatuses" : [ {
            "uri" : "",
            "state" : "closed",
            "lastUpdate" : "2014-01-15T12:12:08.562-05:00",
            "pagesReceived" : 1,
            "requestsScheduled" : 3,
            "requestsCompleted" : 3,
            "httpRequestState" : "queued"
          } ]
      }, {
        "operatorId" : 1,
        "operatorType" : "FilterAndProjectOperator",
        "addInputCalls" : 1,
        "addInputWall" : "919.00us",
        "addInputCpu" : "919.38us",
        "addInputUser" : "0.00ns",
        "inputDataSize" : "10.90kB",
        "inputPositions" : 154,
        "getOutputCalls" : 2,
        "getOutputWall" : "128.00us",
        "getOutputCpu" : "128.64us",
        "getOutputUser" : "0.00ns",
        "outputDataSize" : "10.45kB",
        "outputPositions" : 154,
        "blockedWall" : "0.00ns",
        "finishCalls" : 5,
        "finishWall" : "258.00us",
        "finishCpu" : "253.19us",
        "finishUser" : "0.00ns",
        "memoryReservation" : "0B"
      }, {
        "operatorId" : 2,
        "operatorType" : "OrderByOperator",
        "addInputCalls" : 1,
        "addInputWall" : "438.00us",
        "addInputCpu" : "439.18us",
        "addInputUser" : "0.00ns",
        "inputDataSize" : "10.45kB",
        "inputPositions" : 154,
        "getOutputCalls" : 4,
        "getOutputWall" : "869.00us",
        "getOutputCpu" : "831.85us",
        "getOutputUser" : "0.00ns",
        "outputDataSize" : "10.45kB",
        "outputPositions" : 154,
        "blockedWall" : "0.00ns",
        "finishCalls" : 4,
        "finishWall" : "808.00us",
        "finishCpu" : "810.18us",
        "finishUser" : "0.00ns",
        "memoryReservation" : "174.76kB"
      }, {
        "operatorId" : 3,
        "operatorType" : "FilterAndProjectOperator",
        "addInputCalls" : 1,
        "addInputWall" : "166.00us",
        "addInputCpu" : "166.66us",
        "addInputUser" : "0.00ns",
        "inputDataSize" : "10.45kB",
        "inputPositions" : 154,
        "getOutputCalls" : 5,
        "getOutputWall" : "305.00us",
        "getOutputCpu" : "241.14us",
        "getOutputUser" : "0.00ns",
        "outputDataSize" : "10.90kB",
        "outputPositions" : 154,
        "blockedWall" : "0.00ns",
        "finishCalls" : 2,
        "finishWall" : "70.00us",
        "finishCpu" : "71.02us",
        "finishUser" : "0.00ns",
        "memoryReservation" : "0B"
      }, {
        "operatorId" : 4,
        "operatorType" : "TaskOutputOperator",
        "addInputCalls" : 1,
        "addInputWall" : "50.00us",
        "addInputCpu" : "51.03us",
        "addInputUser" : "0.00ns",
        "inputDataSize" : "10.90kB",
        "inputPositions" : 154,
        "getOutputCalls" : 0,
        "getOutputWall" : "0.00ns",
        "getOutputCpu" : "0.00ns",
        "getOutputUser" : "0.00ns",
        "outputDataSize" : "10.90kB",
        "outputPositions" : 154,
        "blockedWall" : "0.00ns",
        "finishCalls" : 1,
        "finishWall" : "35.00us",
        "finishCpu" : "35.39us",
        "finishUser" : "0.00ns",
        "memoryReservation" : "0B"
      } ],
      "drivers" : [ ]
    } ]
  "failures" : [ ],
  "outputs" : { }
GET /v1/task/{taskId}/results/{outputId}/{token}

This service is used by Presto to retrieve task output.

DELETE /v1/task/{taskId}/results/{outputId}

This service is used by Presto to delete task output.