Release 0.269#


General Changes#

  • Add uuid() to return a unique identifier.

Presto on Spark Changes#

  • Add configuration property spark.memory-revoking-target and session property spark_memory_revoking_target to specify the occupancy percent of memory pool after revoke is completed.

Accumulo Connector Changes#

  • Replace uuid() from being connector specific to a standard function. In the process the return type has been changed from VARCHAR to UUID and existing use cases might need to perform a cast - CAST(UUID() AS VARCHAR).

Delta Lake Connector Changes#

Iceberg Connector Changes#

  • Add Iceberg table predicate pushdown to reduce the number of files scanned.


Ajay George, Andrii Rosa, Arjun Gupta, Arunachalam Thirupathi, Basil Crow, Beinan Wang, Costin V Cozianu, James Sun, Pranjal Shankhdhar, Sagar Sumit, Swapnil Tailor, Timothy Meehan, Venki Korukanti, Xiang Fu, Ying Su, Zhenxiao Luo, ericyuliu, sambekar15, singcha, v-jizhang